Here we are going to explain an important useful setting on Instagram. If you are using more than one Instagram accounts, like personal Instagram account and business account. And sometimes when you are using the main account, there are notifications coming from other Instagram account. In this blog we are explaining how to turn off notifications for a second Instagram account
How we can stop notifications for a second Instagram account?
To turn off notifications for a second Instagram account on your mobile device, you can follow these steps
Simply click on this profile picture image at the bottom
Tap the three horizontal lines in the top right corner to access the menu.
Then click on settings.
And here you will find an option called notification, click on that.
Then click on messages and Click on off option under message request.
And click on off option under messages section also.
The notification of messages won’t be appeared on second account when you are using main Instagram account.
I hope this setting or this tip will be useful to you.
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Turn Off Instagram Notifications
If want to Turnoff all Instagram Notification follow the below steps.
Open the Instagram app and go to your profile by tapping the profile icon in the bottom right corner.
Tap the three horizontal lines in the top right corner to access the menu.
Select “Settings” from the bottom of the menu.
Scroll down and select “Notifications”.
Under “Push Notifications”, select “Account activity”.
Toggle off the option for “Activity Status”.
This will turn off notifications for activity status for all of your Instagram accounts. Keep in mind that turning off notifications for activity status means that you won’t receive notifications when other users are active or have recently been active on Instagram. However, you will still receive other types of notifications, such as likes, comments, and direct messages, unless you turn them off separately.
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