Going to the mall, a big fashion outlet or a large electronic showroom is the most convenient way to buy something that is required. The reason why most individuals love going to these places is the glitz factor – the amazing showroom or outlets, the touch and feel factor, the impeccable service, and the fabulous shopping experience.
With the shift in the modern-day world where people now buy everything online, how is a brand supposed to provide for all these factors online? This is where digital customer service through technology consulting & services comes into play.
Providing shoppers and customers the same fabulous experience that they have in outlets and showrooms online is a major challenge but through digital customer service, this task is achieved quite easily and creatively.
Digital Customer Experience – Definition
Customer experience and digital customer experience, although used interchangeably, are different from one another. Customer experience in itself includes all the touchpoints that a customer has with the brand; both physical and online.
Digital customer experience on the other hand focuses only on the digital aspect. This could include the website of the brand, the query section, the contact form, the digital shopping site, the product delivery feedback section, the logistics handle, the service section, etc.
More and more people are now turning to major online retail outlets to fulfill their shopping requirements. It is estimated that this trend will only grow bigger and larger as technology continues to grow and advance.
This is why brands are now investing in technology consulting & services to provide the best digital experience for their customers online. This can include a host of services that the seller provides to the customer from simply the brand website to the post-sale service experience.
Providing a Good Digital Customer Experience
A recent survey was able to capture many enlightening facts about the digital customer experience and how this affects sales and brand reputation. More people were interested in the customer service and the experience provided by the brand rather than the product or the pricing.
Customers are willing to pay more for a seamless shopping experience and service rather than competitive pricing and product features. With this information, brands are now investing in processes for better customer experience both physically and online for their brands. This invariably affects the sales and the brand reputation in the market as well.
Below are ways a brand can provide a good digital experience to its customers:
Interactive Websites
One of the best digital customer experiences would be via an interactive website that helps entice and attract customers to go through and spend quality time on the website as such.
Seamless Shopping Experience
Providing a seamless shopping experience is paramount for an excellent digital customer experience. Most customers switch brands when they have a poor shopping experience with a brand. Providing a good shopping experience with reliable payment portals and shipping information is important
Service and Feedback
Providing satisfactory after-sale services is also quite important as this helps in building brand image and continued relationship with the customer. A simple link post-purchase that can connect to a chatbot or a customer feedback page is very handy
Query and Information
The query and information page that helps the customers navigate through the website and products or to obtain information is also a key touchpoint.
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